Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Seasonal changes

Skin becomes more sensitive to allergens during the transition from Summer to Fall. If in fact you do suffer a reaction to a product, here are simple things you can do to stop the inflammatory reaction immediately.

1. Take a Benadryl or any antihistamine you can tolerate.
2. Wash the offending product off your face immediatly.
3. Apply cold compresses to face if it is hot and feels like a burn. Keep this up until the skin feels cooler.
4. Apply a topical cortisone cream - over the counter 10% works fine.

You have to work fast - do not wait. It takes around 15 seconds for the proteins in your skin to react with a full blown allergic reaction. If you do nothing, the reaction and the resulting inflammation will result in very dry skin - this will last a week. If you act fast, you will see your skin calm down within and hour.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Revitalash is causing quite a stir. The lashes on women that use Revitalash are very happy with their results. After only 4 weeks, I have personally seen remarkable growth on my lashes. Others have reported the same results. I have been using Revitalash now for 2 months and have had people ask if I am wearing false eyelashes. My eyes look great without make up - even sans eyeliner.

Revitalash was developed by a Michael Brinkenhoff for his wife who had lost her beautiful lashes due to intensive chemotherapy. A gift for his one special woman is now available to women everywhere.